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Factoring in London is available from several companies. The London office of Smart Factoring Quotes based in York Street is well placed to advise any company on the invoice factoring and invoice discounting options available to them.

As a London based company looking for factoring you have access to the factoring arms of the major banks along with the London based independent invoice finance companies. This includes most of the major players. Importantly you also have access to the independent factoring companies from outside London. There are some great offerings from companies based in the North such as Manchester and Leeds but also from independents based in the South East and the South West such as Bristol.

The geography of your provider should not be a major consideration. Far more important is the ability of that lender to meet the unique requirements of your business. With any type of invoice finance facility, whether it be invoice discounting or factoring the structure of the facility is everything. It will determine how well it will work for you. Pricing is obviously important but should always be second to structure.

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